It’s no secret that habits are what carry you throughout your day and life. People can often be defined by their habits. Do you put in 50 hours per day at work and then come home and do chores? People will most likely say that you are a hard worker. Your habits define your character in that case.
Scientists say that habits make up about 50% of our daily routine. And about 50% of the habits we learn before the age of 18 carry on throughout out life. This is why it is important to be exposed to positive habits from an early age.
Many people believe your formative years are the first ten years of your life. While others think it is most likely your high school years. Even still, other people think that the ages of 18-22 are your most important years. This can be evidenced by people who had a lackluster work constitution until they joined the military.
But the military won’t accept you until you are 18 years of age (17 with a parents permission slip). There are solutions though. For instance, a military school will instill in a teenager good organization and thinking skills from ages 13-18. This has become a popular option for people with the means to make it a reality.
There is more to life than just a formal education. Being able to accomplish physical tasks is something every young man should learn. Men who enter trades like plumbing and welding can make 6 figure incomes every year. Hard work and training really do pay off in the long run.
An education should be balanced with knowledge of history, the ability read and write, the ability to solve math equations, and an understanding of how the physical universe works. For a teenager, these things are essential learning that will make the rest of their life that much easier.
Preparing for the possibility of attending college and learning how to look after one’s self are easily the most desired characteristics when you ask a parent what they want for their child. Luckily, there are options to achieving these desires.